Thursday, 12 December 2013

Snacking salvation

Good evening bloggers,

If you are a parent I'm sure like me, you struggle to find new interesting but healthy snacking options not only for your child but yourself. 

I know I know that yes there are a lot of snacks that can be pre-made easily with little fuss but honestly.... Time! Time is such an issue when you work as I'm sure you all agree. I don't really want to spend the spare time I have in the kitchen. 

I am happy to say my salvation lies in a little cardboard box from a company called Graze. Originally there boxes were marketed towards busy working adults, but now they offer boxes for children so I thought I would give one a try & I have to say I am hooked! 

It arrived on our doormat just 3 days after ordering with my sons name printed on the front of the card which I thought was a lovely touch. We opened it straight away, there are 4 sections each in sealed little plastic boxes. This is what our box contained: 3 Flapjack fingers, a berry blast mixture of cranberry raisins and white chocolate berries, pizza flavored bread sticks with a tomato dip & cheese croutons and tomato bread sticks. 

My son loved every single section & it was nice to freely let him snack knowing it was all healthy. The best thing is we will always get a different box which is handy because my son changes his mind on foods he likes from day to day. 

To top it all off the packaging is 100% recyclable and each box only costs £3.89   They have a great offer on where you get your first & fifth box free!

They also offer new breakfast boxes, different types of cereal such as Blueberry and Loganberry with honey. I will defiantly be trying these for work in the new year.

Give them a try, you won't be disappointed. 

My Mums Shoes x

1 comment:

  1. These look great, it's always good to have snacks to take in my bag, when we're out all day. Much etter than sharing Jude's cheesy rice cakes and raisins.
